Camping on Board, the Best Solution for Transporting Pets on the Ferry

We have already written numerous times about how convenient it is to be able to board one’s camper on board the ferries and how this option makes it advantageous to choose the ferry for one’s beach vacation. In this article we will delve into the topic of“Camping on Board,” that is, the possibility of spending nights traveling aboard one’s camper in the open desks of the ferries and, above all, how welcome this option is for our four-legged travel companions. In fact, there is the possibility of having pets also travel in the camper on board the ferry, together with their owner. Probably the best solution for everyone, owners and pets, who can finally relax together during the sea journey.

What is Camping on Board?

Camping on Board is a travel option that allows you to spend the ferry crossing and stay overnight directly inside your RV or van, parked in the ship’s garage. This eliminates the need to book a ferry cabin specifically for human travelers and also to accommodate their pets. The garages used for this service are open on the sides, ensuring adequate ventilation, and have 220V power outlets, as well as bathrooms and showers. This is a veritable campground on board the ship! Some areas are even equipped with dedicated spaces, such as cat litter boxes, to allow animals to satisfy their needs.

When is it possible to take advantage of the Camping on Board Formula?

This service is only available during the warm period, generally between April and September. Since availability is limited and not all companies or ships are equipped with garages that conform to this use, it is advisable to contact the company directly to check if there are available seats and then proceed with the reservation. Anek Lines is one of the companies that offer this option most often, especially on the Ancona – Igoumenitsa route..

Currently, almost all major shipping companies have decided to implement camping on board on their ferries, offering this option, of course, to pets as well.

  • To Learn More. Read our article On shipping companies that allow Camping on Board

Who can access Camping on Board?

The service is reserved only for vehicles approved as motorhomes. When making a reservation, you must provide your vehicle registration. This means that those who own a car or van that is camperized but not approved will not be able to access Camping on Board.

  • Important note: It is absolutely forbidden to use gas while traveling. For cooking, it is recommended that you bring a hotplate, as you can connect to 220V mains at no extra cost. Alternatively, onboard bar and food service is always available.

In what areas of the ferry can dogs, cats, and other pets move?

Dogs, cats and other pets carried on Camping On Board have access to most of the ship, with the exception of the bar and dining areas. The upper decks of the ship are specifically designated for their physiological needs.

Camping on board animalsWhy choose Camping on Board when traveling with pets?

For years, shipping companies have also been trying to ensure the highest level of comfort for animal friends traveling aboard ferries. Various options have been tried out and the he Camping on Board remains the best option, both for the comfort it offers owners and for the well-being of the animals. It is undoubtedly the least stressful choice for all members of the traveling family!