Emergency aboard the ferry: how to access lifeboats

Ferry lifeboats are used in specific emergency situations, generally when there is a serious risk to the safety of the ship’s passengers.
The use of lifeboats is a serious emergency measure and is only activated when other safety solutions are insufficient to ensure the protection of passengers and crew.
Each shipping company puts in place specific safety protocols when it comes to moving passengers to lifeboats, and procedures may vary slightly between ferries
In questo articolo, tuttavia, descriveremo cosa fare in situazioni di emergenza grave a bordo di un traghetto e come accedere alle scialuppe di salvataggio in caso di necessità.

When is the order given to enter the lifeboats?

The order to abandon the ship by lifeboats is an ‘ultima ratio that occurs only in critical situations and imminent grave danger.
Generally when the ferry is at risk of sinking, or fire, or explosion, and the safety of passengers and crew cannot be guaranteed.
In these cases
the captain will sound the evacuation alarm for the ferry and provide clear directions On how to reach the lifeboats.

The following are some scenarios in which lifeboats may need to be used:

Collisions and serious accidents / Risk of sinking the Ferry.

It will be the commander or crew who will give the signal for evacuation, which could be through alarms or announcements.

  • Collisions. In the event of collisions with other vessels or floating objects that cause significant damage to the ship, lifeboats could be used to evacuate passengers.
  • Incidents. Any accident that endangers the safety of the ship and makes it difficult to continue safe navigation.
  • Critical situation. If the ferry is in danger of sinking and it is no longer safe to remain on board, lifeboats are used to evacuate passengers safely.

Fire on Board / Severe Flooding

Generally, the crew will attempt to manage the flames, in case of fire, or flooding, but if the situation worsens, instructions will be given for the use of lifeboats.

  • Extensive fires. If a fire on board cannot be contained and threatens the safety of the ship, lifeboats will be ordered to be used.
  • Toxic fumes. Even with toxic fumes, evacuation may be necessary to avoid exposure.
  • Partial or total flooding. If the ferry suffers severe flooding that impairs its buoyancy, evacuation by lifeboats may become necessary.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Although this is rare, in extreme weather conditions that threaten the stability of the ship (such as particularly violent storms), lifeboats can be prepared for evacuation.

  • Exceptionally high waves may compromise safety and necessitate evacuation.

Medical Emergencies

In situations where rapid evacuation is required for serious medical reasons that cannot be managed on board, lifeboats could be used.

How to Access Lifeboats

When there are Critical situations or conditions of serious risk for the passengers, crew, and the ferry itself, the Master will sound the emergency alarm and provide clear and precise instructions on what to do on board the ferry.
Will order passengers to transfer to lifeboats and abandon ship.
E’ importante seguire le istruzioni alla lettera e rispettare le indicazioni del Comandante e dell’equipaggio.

Accessing lifeboats during an emergency on a ferry requires calmness and following a specific procedure to ensure the safety of you and other passengers. Here is a standard guide to accessing lifeboats aboard the ferry.

Listen to the Crew Announcements

In an emergency, the captain or crew will make announcements to inform you what to do.
It is important to listen carefully to them and follow their instructions.

  • Head to the collection point. You will be instructed to head to a specific assembly point, which is the designated place where passengers gather before evacuation.
  • Do not venture out alone. Do not attempt to access the lifeboats without orders from the crew.
    Safety officers are trained to handle evacuation in an orderly manner.

Wear the Lifejacket

Before heading to the lifeboat, make sure you are wearing your life jacket properly.
This is crucial in case you fall into the water.

  • Assist others as needed. If someone has difficulty putting on the vest, help them to do so.

Head for the Lifeboats

Ferries are equipped with illuminated signs showing the way to the lifeboats.
Follow these signs, which usually lead to emergency exits and upper decks.

  • Keep calm and orderly. Walk in an orderly manner, without pushing or running, to avoid accidents and panic among passengers.

Reach the Boarding Bridge

Lifeboat access points: Lifeboats are usually located on specific decks of the ferry, accessible via corridors and stairs.
Reach the deck indicated by the crew.

  • Wait for instructions: Do not attempt to enter a lifeboat without permission from the crew.
    There may be specific instructions on how to safely board.

Boarding the Lifeboat

Getting on the lifeboat may require going through a hatch or down a ladder.
Keep your balance and follow the crew’s directions to avoid falls.

  • Follow the order of boarding: The crew will arrange boarding, often giving priority to children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
    Wait your turn and follow the instructions on how to board.
  • Positioned inside: Once on board, sit where indicated and fasten the safety straps if present.
    Follow the instructions to balance the lifeboat, helping to distribute the weight evenly.

Ferry Abandonment Phase

The final phase is the abandonment of the ferry aboard the lifeboats.
Remaining calm and following the crew’s instructions is essential to ensure your safety and the safety of other passengers during the evacuation on a lifeboat and in subsequent stages until you reach a safe location, either on land or aboard another vessel.

  • Preparation for lowering. The crew will lower the lifeboat overboard once all passengers are on board and safe.
    Keep calm and be prepared for movement.
  • Safe navigation. Once at sea, the crew will guide the lifeboat away from the ship to avoid dangers such as sucking in the sinking ship or debris.
  • Cooperate with the crew. Continue to follow the crew’s instructions once at sea, including what to do to be located and rescued.
  • Use emergency signals. If necessary, use emergency signals on the lifeboat, such as flares or lights, to attract the attention of rescuers

Experiencing emergency situations at sea is never pleasant; the stages of rescuing or leaving the ferry aboard lifeboats can be very hectic and dangerous.
We have emphasized in our guide the importance of not losing one’s cool and following the captain’s instructions to the letter.
Ferry safety and evacuation procedures have been studied in great detail by ferry company experts.

Nothing is left to chance!
Remember to follow the step-by-step instructions so as not to risk getting in the way of operations

  • If you are interested in the topic of safety aboard ferries you might read also this article On emergency regulations.