Five recommendations to avoid surprises at boarding


Useful tips for traveling by ferry: How to board the car on the ferry? How long does it take? What time should I arrive at the port? How long will I have to wait to board? After writing this article on how and where to sleep on the ferry [Clicca qui], we feel it is appropriate to continue our advice column to dispel some of the frequent doubts that assail travelers before departure .

1 Where will I get my tickets of boarding for my ferry?

It is always recommended to arrive at the port on time with your reservation already made. There is now an endless choice of online services for booking your own ferry, Ferryfinder is the most convenient, secure and reliable for finding your route at the best price. After completing the online reservation you will receive your ticket directly from the Navigation Company via e-mail with all the details: time of departure and arrival at destination, passenger list, type of vehicle and license plate (if any) of the means of transportation, cost of services, port fees, and the code needed when boarding. It is usually a two-page attachment, so it is recommended to check the email carefully and read the schedule and conditions before reaching the port.

2 What time should I report to check in if I am traveling on foot?

Shipping companies generally do the check in below board, that is, quickly and easily. It will be sufficient to report to the yard or directly to the dock in front of the ferry to check your ticket. Passengers traveling on foot, without boarding means of transportation, are met on board by airline employees 10 minutes before departure in the case of short routes, 30 minutes before for domestic routes, and 1 hour or 2 in advance in the case of international routes. One of the useful tips for traveling by ferry is to always arrive early at the boarding points, especially when attending the busiest routes.During the warm season or during the vacations, it will be important to be as organized as possible to avoid queues.

3 How far in advance should I arrive to the port to board my vehicle on the ferry?

The advantage of taking one’s own means of transportation on board is the main reason why more and more travelers are choosing the ferry for their commute as well as their vacation. Whether it is a necessity or a choice, having a car available once you arrive at your destination will be a convenient and economical solution that will expand the possibilities of your trip. Always calculate a minimum of one hour in advance of departure, check in and boarding operations for ferries take longer than for foot passengers, let’s see in detail How long before you have to report to the port:

  • As for the domestic short routes you are required to arrive at the boarding gate 40 minutes in advance of departure on weekdays, while on Saturdays, vacations, and during the busiest travel periods, during vacations, you must arrive one hour earlier.
  • For the longer domestic routes, on the other hand, it will be necessary to report to the boarding area at least 2 hours in advance, even 3 considering the time it takes to load all transportation means on board the ferries. Some vessels are capable of taking on several hundred vehicles, so operations can take up to three hours.
  • In case of boarding with your own means of transport aboard a ferry that will travel an international route, you will need to arrive at the port 3 hours before departure in order to allow for any possible checks by the Border Police.

4 How to embark the RV or the trailer? It is planned to Camping on Board?

More and more travelers are inquiring about boarding their RVs or caravans on board ferries, of course the major Shipping Companies allow this option and in some cases encourage it through the introduction of the Camping on Board open deck garages.

A point in favor of the Camping Board is the possibility of spending the night inside your own Camper or Caravan. The Maritime Company will provide electricity and water, but cooking, using flames, and smoking are not allowed. As with the boarding of other means of transportation, you will need to arrive at the designated area with your camper or caravan 3 hours in advance, which is necessary for boarding and parking in the ferry.

5 How long do I have to wait before boarding the ferry?

Planning your trip down to the smallest detail saves valuable time, but it is also important to know your way around the port. Especially at peak times, understanding the announcements in English and knowing the layout of the docks will help to orient you better. For inexperienced travelers who are not familiar with departure and arrival boards, it is advisable to stay connected with the Ferry Finder website to check all routes and show up at boarding with a downloaded and printed ticket.

When arriving early, the best thing to do to embark as early as possible is to prepare your ticket and necessary documents in good time to make it easier for other passengers to flow. Each shipping company follows its own protocol, but usually in Italian ports is allowed to board the ferries two hours before departure, the time it takes to settle in to comfortably spend the trip.

Still have more doubts about your next ferry trip?

Keep following this blog for more useful ferry travel tips that will help you better plan your next ferry route, or search through the most frequently asked questions from travelers collected in the F.A.Q section. Of