Is it better to board the car on the ferry first or last?


One of the main reasons why so many travelers choose the ferry is the ability to load aboard and have it available once they arrive at their destination. Being able to use one’s own car once disembarked is a necessity for some passengers; for others, it will surely be an advantage: freedom of movement, in fact, increases the chances of getting around without the time constraints of public transportation.

We have already covered in this article
Five recommendations to avoid surprises when boarding
Of the times to be observed when boarding your automobile or RV/caravan on a ferry.

In fact, we remind you that you must show up at the port in advance when you want to board a means of transportation on the ferry to allow the vessel to be filled before departure.

  • 40 to 50 minutes in advance for short routes
  • 2 hours for national average routes
  • More than 3 hours for international routes

Having clarified that you need to arrive in the port some time before departure, in this article we will try to solve other “classic” doubts: that surface in the minds of many travelers before departure for a ferry trip: Should you board the car first or last?

Is it better to board the car first or last?

The decision on when to load your car aboard a ferry depends on several factors, including your personal preferences and the specific policies of the ferry company. However, there are some general considerations that might help you make an informed decision:

  • First on board:

      • Advantages:
        • You can settle in comfortably on board and have more time to settle in.
        • You can enjoy the view and the ferry facilities before they become crowded.
      • Disadvantages:
        • You may have to wait longer before you can leave the ferry, as the disembarkation process occurs in reverse order to the embarkation process.
  • Last on board:

      • Advantages:
        • You can reduce the waiting time on board and disembark more quickly when the ferry arrives at your destination.
        • You may avoid having to stay on board for an extended period, especially if the trip is short.
      • Disadvantages:
        • You may face more confusion during boarding
  • Further considerations:

    • If you need to settle in a cabin, it may be advantageous to board early to ensure you get the accommodation you want.
    • If you prefer to avoid confusion and have little luggage, it might be convenient to wait and board last.

In general, it is advisable to check the specific policies of the shipping company you are traveling with, as some airlines may have different embarkation and disembarkation procedures. Also, consider the length of your trip, your personal needs, and the comfort you want during the journey.

Additional advice from Ferryfinder on how to board automobile on ferry:

  • It makes all other passengers get off early Before heading to the forecourt. Remember that only the driver may remain in the car while the vehicle is boarding the ferry.


  • Don’t forget that during the trip the Garage will be closed And inaccessible to the public. That is, you won’t be able to get to your car and get the luggage you left on board, so you’d better decide right away what to bring and what to leave in the trunk. We recommend that you choose only the items you need and leave what you won’t need in the car during the ferry ride.Always remember when traveling that the more items you take out of your suitcase, the more chances there will be of forgetting some.


  • Upon arrival, do not start the engine immediately, but do it only when it is your turn. Getting off the ferry is at least as long as boarding and could take several minutes. Spending that much time with the engines running would make the air unbreathable especially for the ferry staff. Moreover, it is prohibited behavior.

If you have any other questions pertaining to ferry travel. continue to follow this blog, also you can look for the answer to your question in the FAQ section of the Ferryfinder website