Tips (and a trick) against seasickness on the ferry


Seasickness is one of those inconveniences that can ruin a ferry trip. It is an ailment that affects many travelers, but it can be avoided by following a few steps to the letter.

When Xamine is not there

Xamine, universally recognized as a panacea for all (sea) ills, is a consistently effective remedy for symptoms. Be aware, however, that Dompé’s antiemetic soft capsules are the only solution to vomiting and nausea.

In fact, there are also other methods that are effective in counteracting this annoying discomfort, which should be known and kept in mind, for those occasions when we cannot or do not want to use medication. To better understand it, it is good to know what seasickness is.

What is seasickness? Why does nausea come?

So-called seasickness is that feeling of discomfort caused by nausea, exhaustion and the urge to vomit, which occurs on a boat.

The appropriate term for seasickness is kinetosis (or kinetosis) that is a sense of dizziness caused by the rhythmic swaying of the sea. Vestibular decompensation that turns into severe nausea, feelings of exhaustion, and often vomiting.

Tips for not getting seasick on the ferry

  1. When they have to take a ferry, many travelers are afraid of seasickness, especially if they have suffered from it before. Remember that anxiety is precisely one of the causes of seasickness, so the first piece of advice is: relax, distract yourself and Avoid thinking about seasickness!
  2. Try to Indulge with body and mind the rhythmic movement of the ferry by gazing at a point on the horizon. This exercise will help you improve your balance and prevent you from getting seasick.
  3. Avoid the so-called psychological contagion of seasickness. If you can, get as far away as possible from people who are feeling sick and throwing up from the ferry. Watching a person get seasick might make you nauseous, too.
  4. Wear a Sea Band-type anti-nausea bracelet and rest in a comfortable chair. These bracelets exert controlled pressure on specific points on the wrist (P6), eliminating or relieving symptoms of seasickness. This is a mechanical remedy that has no particular contraindications except, in some cases, a relaxation similar to drowsiness.For this reason, it is advisable to wear it when traveling in a comfortable position such as the ferry seats

Better to embark on an empty or full stomach?

Associating seasickness with stomach upset, many travelers are mistakenly convinced that it is a digestive disorder. In reality, this is not really the case so There is no point in boarding a ferry on an empty stomach. It is also not a good idea to eat too much Before leaving, it is best to avoid alcohol.

What to do if you get seasick on the ferry?

Remember that, in any case, you do not die of seasickness, so calm down and breathe deeply. At the first symptoms of malaise, settle in an outdoor space of the ferry. There are people who prefer to walk, while others sit or experience benefit from lying on the ground. In any case, getting air will do you good.

The trick to make seasickness go away!

If you have come this far, you are probably about to take a ferry and are afraid of getting seasick! It is understandable to fear this malaise, which, when it occurs, does not go away until you set foot on the ground and can sometimes even last for days.

Don’t despair The trick to getting rid of seasickness on the ferry exists: a simple snack of bananas and coke. I learned this secret during a trip to Bali by a ferry crew member and I can guarantee that it works! After all, it is no secret that Coke is a miraculous cure-all for nausea even after a hangover.

Other foods against seasickness to eat before boarding the ferry. Bread crumbs, crackers, dried fruit, licorice, and ginger may also help you cope with nausea and vomiting. Some maritime traditions even recommend salted anchovies but not everyone likes them.

The more you sail the more you get used to it

In conclusion, seasickness is an illness that seizes a large number of passengers. The causes of this discomfort can be many, but there are also several methods to prevent it or make it go away. The only trick against seasickness that always works is to get used to traveling by ferry and, if necessary, take it philosophically if you get sick.

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