Seasickness of dogs and cats how to make them travel by ferry without suffering

Do dogs and cats suffer from motion sickness?
Of course yes, animals, including dogs and cats suffer from kinetosis or motion sickness just like their human owners.
Especially for puppies, a ferry crossing can turn into a misery because of seasickness.
In this article we will discuss symptoms and remedies to help our four-legged friends travel peacefully by ferry. Do you suffer from seasickness?
also read our article of tips and tricks to avoid it!

Dog seasickness

Puppy dogs are among the animals most likely to get seasick, especially the youngest ones who are taking the ferry for the first time.
In this case, we don’t know for sure if our pooch is suffering from kinetosis, so we should watch him carefully to see if he is okay or if he starts to feel any discomfort.
Just as with us, seasickness in dogs occurs when the vestibular system of the inner ear is at odds with what the eyes perceive, creating a kind of short circuit that results in the feeling of disorientation and nausea. The symptoms of seasickness in dogs are easy to recognize as they are similar in every way to those in humans.
The most common and easy to interpret are increased salivation, a sudden state of restlessness and anxiety, vomiting, and a state defined as lethargy.

Do cats also suffer from it?

Cats, like dogs and humans, can also get seasick during ferry crossings.
In this case, the symptoms are more difficult to interpret, and more attention must be paid to them to see if they feel ill.
Also in cats, signs of malaise caused by kinetosis (or motion sickness) are the unusual increase in salivation and vomiting, which is much more common than in dogs.
In addition, cats suffering from motion sickness are generally very irritable, exhausted, and inappetent.
Finally, being by nature less prone to communication, they will try in every way to go into hiding, so opening the carrier is not recommended.

Why puppies get more seasickness

Cat and dog puppies are more prone to seasickness than adult specimens, this happens especially to those animals who board a ferry or other vessel for the first time.
Especially if they are not even used to being transported by car, it is possible that dog or cat puppies, may not have training to cope with kinetosis.
Especially if it is the first experience at sea, it is important to understand whether our dog or cat is seasick or not.
First of all, in order to help them right away and not make the first trip a trauma, with the risk that they may never want to go on a boat again, but also to be prepared the next time, for example, by carrying sea sickness tablets specifically for dogs and cats.

Tips and remedies for animal seasickness

Aside from seasickness tablets for dogs and cats, which of course should be purchased only after consulting your veterinarian, there are also other effective remedies for brilliantly overcoming the unwell state. The first tip, effective against seasickness in dogs and cats, is to get them used to it gradually.
The feeling of discomfort, in animals, is also exacerbated by the fear of boarding a boat.
Especially cats, which are generally afraid of water, will not immediately feel comfortable aboard the ferry.
Looking for a space that is a little less crowded will certainly be a welcome move for our four-legged friend.
The central areas of the ship, for example, the ones that dance the least, it is best to position yourself there if possible.
If the dog or cat is sick from seasickness, it is advisable to move with him to a quiet area of the ferry, possibly ventilated, where he can also vomit, calmly and away from prying eyes.
Comply with the ferry company’s internal rules and thoroughly clean up any space your dog may soil. Sit beside your pet.
When your dog or cat is nauseous, it is important to make him feel calm.
Have him lie down and sit by his side, seeing you close will calm him down and you can pet him and try to distract him. Ginger candy against dog seasickness.
Ginger is known to be an excellent ally against nausea and the urge to vomit.
It is also very effective in dogs, so if your dog suffers from seasickness he might like a ginger candy.
There are brands of ginger candy for dogs that also contain flavors that entice them to eat it.

Discounts for dogs and pets on ferries to Sardinia

Carrying your dog, cat or any pet on ferries to Sardinia is even more affordable.
Thanks to the Sardinia and Corsica Ferries offer, pets travel for only 17 euros on ferries to Golfo degli Aranci. Book the Livorno – Golfo degli Aranci and Piombino – Golfo degli Aranci routes on Ferryfinder .