Traveling aboard ferries: safety rules and emergency regulations

Every summer we read articles in the newspapers about accidents on board ferries, most of them, of course, without serious consequences.
Before we go any further, however, we need to clarify and reassure travelers: the ferry is an absolutely safe means of transportation, particularly suitable for travel for all kinds of travelers. However, the greater flow of passengers and the much greater number of routes than normal make emergency situations rise, so we feel it is important to write a post on safety rules and emergency regulations on board ferries.

Pre-departure safety rules and regulations

Each shipping company has specific protocols governing safety on board ferries, but there are general rules of conduct to be observed during boarding and sailing. The regulations and emergency rules on board ferries are essential to ensure the safety of passengers and crew during the voyage.
The following are the main ones:

1. Security Briefing

  • Initial Briefing: Before departure, the crew provides a briefing on emergency procedures, indicating emergency exits, muster points, and how to use life jackets.
  • Signage: There are signs on the ferries with clear directions on what to do in an emergency.

2. Embarkation and Disembarkation

  • Orderly and safe: Embarking and disembarking should be done in an orderly manner, following the directions of the crew.
  • Compliance with capacities: Ferry load limits for both passengers and vehicles must not be exceeded.

Vehicle boarding aboard ferries

1. Specific Standards for Vehicles

    • Accommodation of vehicles: Vehicles must be parked securely and hand brakes pulled.
      Cars must be turned off and keys removed.
    • Prohibition of garage access during navigation: As a rule, passengers are not allowed to enter garages during navigation for safety reasons.
  • Also read our article on vehicle boarding on ferries

Safety and emergency regulations to be observed during navigation

1. Vigilance and Behavior on Board

  • Attention to announcements: Passengers should pay attention to announcements made by the crew regarding safety and sailing conditions.
  • Smoking ban: Smoking is prohibited in enclosed areas that are not designated as smoking areas.
  • Child supervision: Parents should supervise their children and ensure that they do not venture into dangerous areas.

2. Use of Common Areas.

  • Prohibition of access to certain areas: Certain areas of the ferry, such as the engine room and crew areas, are prohibited to passengers.
  • Responsible behavior: Passengers must abide by rules regarding the use of common areas, such as restaurants, bars, and lounging areas, and maintain responsible behavior.

Emergency management

1. Emergency Plans.

  • Gathering points: Passengers should know their assigned muster points in case of evacuation.
  • Drills: Drills are conducted periodically to simulate emergency situations such as fire or abandon ship.

2. Use of Safety Devices

  • Seat belts: If present, seat belts should be worn while sailing, especially in rough seas.
  • Access prohibitions: Access to the open decks is prohibited in adverse weather conditions.

3. Fire Fighting Procedures

  • Fire extinguishers: There must be fire extinguishers in various places on the ship, with clearly visible instructions on how to use them.
  • Evacuation routes: Evacuation routes should always be free of obstacles and clearly marked.

4. Emergency Room

  • Presence of first aid kits: First aid kits must be available on board and personnel must be trained to provide basic medical care.
  • Reporting medical emergencies: Passengers should immediately report any medical emergencies to staff.

Ferryfinder’s tips for hassle-free travel

Safety and emergency regulations on board ferries vary slightly depending on the shipping company, the ferry, and the specific route. For this reason, it is always recommended to pay attention to the specific instructions given by the crew at the time of embarkation.
Always remember that the first rule to follow is common sense, knowing full well that it is essential to follow the instructions provided by the Master to the letter.
Tourist routes are specifically designed to ensure comfortable and totally safe travels, however, unforeseen events can always happen.
The important thing is to be prepared, stay sharp and rely on the rescue teams on all boats.

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