Liberty Lines: launched the new ferry Cristina M


News coming soon for the shipping company
Liberty Lines
. The new Spanish-built ferry Cristina M is scheduled to be delivered to Trapani by May. It is part of an order for 12 hybrid and fast ferries under construction at Armon Shipyards in Vigo.

Cristina M, the new ferry to be added to the Liberty Lines fleet, is a
mono – hull
born of a collaboration between the Liberty Lines technical development team, Astilleros Armón shipyards, Rolls-Royce and and Australian ship engineering firm Incat Crowther.

Hybrid navigation is becoming the new standard for the world’s major shipping companies. With the combined motorization of two Rolls-Royce hybrid Mtu power units, Caterina M is capable of sailing in electric mode within ports. Finally, the batteries of the motors are recharged while motoring on the high seas.

Exactly like its sister ferry Vittorio Morace also commissioned by Liberty Lines, Carolina M is 39.5 m long and a capacity of 251 passengers.

Liberty Lines ferries: aim for environmentally sustainable fleet

Carolina M that Vittorio Morace will be the first hybrid, fast ferries built by the synergy between Liberty Lines, Armón and Rolls-Royce as part of the order for as many as 12 vessels by 2027.

Liberty Lines FerryOperator Liberty Lines ‘ goal is to significantly decrease harmful emissions from its ferries. Hybrid engines, now used by the best new ferries, point to electric navigation within ports. In fact, the departure and docking phases are among the most polluting. In addition, various legislations may also become increasingly restrictive against polluting vessels in the near future.

We have already written some articles on the subject, specifically regarding the new ferry
Hybrid of Snav [leggi qui]
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